Building self-esteem
& responsibility.
GOALS UK cic is a non-profit consulting and training organization that assists third and public sector organizations in developing resilience and attaining superior results.
Our programs empower individuals and enable them to become self-sufficient. We aid in the restoration of confidence and independence while empowering individuals to take charge of their lives.
We collaborate with organizations of all sizes in the third and public sectors, educating staff on character education, resilience, and well-being. Our clients include Welfare-to-Work providers, schools and colleges, prisons, housing associations, and shelters.
I attended GOALS in 1994 in Feltham YOI whilst serving 3 years for robbery. I was 18 at the time and it had a massive impact on the direction my life went in and how I got to where I am today. 22 years later by coincidence whilst working for Westminster Drug Project, I was trained as a GOALS facilitator and I delivered the program to over 100 clients.
I just wanted to say thank you because I truly believe your program was the start of massive positive changes in my life. Today I give motivational talks and I’m a trainee therapist and Regents university at the ripe young age of 46 ☺️”
GOALS Training
A unique, resilience-focused system that challenges the way people think, feel and behave. With over 25 years' experience, we understand that mindset is the most important factor in moving people into positive and sustainable outcomes.
GOALS for Young People
We work with colleges and schools and our focus is on character education and life skills. Our aim is to provide educators with the tools to engage students on the verge off dropping out. We have learnt that there is a big difference between a young person being forced to learn and a young person who develops a desire to learn.
Staff Training
We provide a psychological and holistic approach that helps people move towards practical, positive change. We also teach self-coaching techniques to help people deal with setbacks at work or in life.
One to One Coaching
Work with Philip Collett one to one, with his personal help you’ll discover your mission in life, set meaningful goals and learn how to apply time tested habits of success.
How do you engage the disengaged?
Most people attending our programmes are struggling - they aren’t really in control of their lives or making good choices. We show them that they can be the person they want to be and choose a better life.

Proven outcomes to multiple barriers.
Over 250,000 people have participated in our programmes over the last 27 years. We work with any organisation, group or community where people are failing. Our experience shows that the reasons people don’t make progress in life are common to most groups.
GOALS programmes deliver 100% in terms of distance travelled by participants - this means that everyone who attends our programmes improves their life to some degree, In work-focused groups, particularly entrenched worklessness we achieve 67% in work outcomes on average. If we’re commissioned to follow up with coaching, 95% of these people will sustain their jobs.
There are over 1,100 licensed GOALS Trainers nationwide in all types of organisations including prisons, back-to-work projects, hotels, schools & colleges, local authorities and probation services.. Generally our methodology allows client-facing teams to increase outcomes in less time, allowing them to reach out to more people that need there help and redirect budget.