We work with organisations across the third and public sectors.
Case Study 1 - Riverside ECHG.
Riverside-ECHG is part of the Riverside Group, a leading provider of social housing in the UK and provides support and development opportunities to people of all ages and circumstances.
RECHG wanted to engage and motivate their staff, following a major organisational restructure. Their aims were to improve client satisfaction and customer outcomes, support more clients back into education and or employment and to encourage more clients to secure long term appropriate housing.
Ultimately, RECHG wanted to help their clients identify and achieve their individual goals. RECHG Senior Management understood that in order to successfully and sustainably empower their clients, they first needed to invest in their own staff.
Through implementing GOALS as part of their core training programme, RECHG also achieved a deeper level of cohesion within the organisation, renewed vision and overall enhanced service provision.
Business Need
To empower and up-skill managers to lead their staff effectively, through re-structuring and beyond, to achieve organisational objectives;
To renew clarity and enthusiasm to RECHG's vision following major organisational restructure.
To address challenges of demotivated/disengaged front line staff due to increasing pressures of working day-to-day with those with complex needs;
To move clients towards independence and employability in a amore effective and sustainable way;
To gain a competitive edge as a market leader in the housing sector, thereby securing RECHG's future.
“Staff can get jaded over time. GOALS has given them a new set of skills that they can use...It has been like a breath of fresh air.”
John Glenton, Head of Business and Innovation, Riverside ECHG
Case Study 2 - Nacro, Serco, Catch 22, City Gateway, BELS, South London Business
Consequently, primes are now increasingly subcontracting to specialist organisations to help them deliver on their contracts with moving young people into sustained employment training or education.
Witha a proven track record of success, GOALS UK were invited to subcontract with 6 of the biggest primes in the youth employment sector to help them achieve their targets on their LDA/ESF funded contracts.
The GOALS' process helps young people to think differently about themselves and their role within society, challenging their beliefs attitude and behaviour.
Ultimately, GOALS gets young people to want to change and then suppress them into appropriate and sustainable employment, apprenticeship and/or educational opportunities
On Young Offender contracts from 2010-2012, GOALS UK subcontracted with Serco, Nacro and Catch 22. Across the 3 specs, placing 180 of their 269 participants into employment (134) and education (46).
Over the same period, GOALS UK subcontracted on 3 NEET Young People specs achieving an overall rate of 70.1% positive sustainment rate, with 129 of their 184 starts achieving sustained employment
Despite working with almost 500 of some of the hardest to reach Young People across London, GOALS UK consistently surpassed their targets and had all of their caseloads increased.
GOALS has become the highest performing partner across 3 specifications and 6 partnerships.
'The GOALS approach is professional, dynamic and innovative - many services claim to be young person led, few can actually evidence that they are. GOALS, however has the interests of the young people at their core. I have found them a pleasure to work with.'
Kelly Ewers - ESF Project Manager, NACRO
Case Study 3 - Job Centre Plus
GOALS UK submitted and subsequently won the tender to help some of the ‘hardest to engage’ claimants from Job Centre Plus branches in Essex. The main aim was to move claimants closer to the labour market and ultimately, into positive, sustainable outcomes.
The embedded GOALS team worked on-site, providing end-to-end delivery within the JCP branches to offer the cohort an alternative client pathway.
In order to create a legacy of customer service post pilot, GOALS also delivered staff training and consultancy to 18 JCP front line advisors, sharing some of the tools and techniques to help them work with claimants at deeper and more effective levels.
GOALS UK over-delivered on all of their initial targets; 100% of the cohort achieved ‘positive progression’ and 67% obtained employment, 95% of which have sustained.
Having proven the concept of the GOALS process by getting these clients with multiple barriers back into work, we are now undertaking our fourth pilot in the Essex District with Social Justice clients from the most deprived wards and providing staff training for the Work Programme returner advisors.
Business Need
Faced with mounting caseloads, rising targets, tighter resources and the roll out of Universal Credit and Welfare Reform, front line advisors face increased challenges.
With unemployment quickly leading to a ‘domino-effect’ of negative outcomes, including low grade depression and anxiety, wider social implications etc., front line staff need new skills and tools to work most effectively with claimants facing multiple and complex barriers to employment.
'The GOALS approach is professional, dynamic and innovative - many services claim to be young person led, few can actually evidence that they are. GOALS, however has the interests of the young people at their core. I have found them a pleasure to work with.'
Kelly Ewers - ESF Project Manager, NACRO